PS0: Hello!

Due Fri 9/19 @ noon.

The purpose of this homework assignment is to get you oriented to the resources in our class, and also to give you some preliminary ideas to ponder with regard to data structures. You also have a real problem set, PS1, that is due Wednesday and Friday; you can find it on Moodle. Nevertheless, PS0 does count as a real homework assignment and will be part of your grade.

Part 0: Log In

There are four primary online/network resources for this class. I wish there were just one unified thing, but there you go.

  1. The course website. Congratulations! You're reading something on it.
  2. The Moodle. Please go to, log in, and select our course. If you're not yet formally signed up for the course, email me so I can add you manually. Once you're on the Moodle page, you should see links to the Syllabus, Schedule, and Piazza, as well as a few other things. All homework assignments that have a hand-in will be posted on Moodle, as will the solution sets. Email me if you have trouble logging in.
  3. The Courses network drive. You must submit your writeups for problem sets via the Courses network drive. If you're not yet formally signed up for the course, email me so I can add you manually. Follow the directions at that first link to set up your Courses drive, and verify that you can mount it on a convenient computer.
  4. The Piazza. Please go to and sign up for our course (that's CS 252, Algorithms, Fall 2014). You should have already received an email about this. If you weren't invited to sign up and can't do it on your own, email me so that I can add you manually. You won't be able to complete this assignment if you aren't signed up for Piazza.

    Piazza is a Q-and-A platform, kind of like a StackExchange just for our class. All out-of-class communication (except anonymous feedback and things that you'd like to keep strictly private and confidential) will happen on Piazza. Again, email me if you have trouble logging in.

    Once you're logged in, click on the “Q & A” tab and look around at the various threads.

    The rest of this assignment involves doing stuff and then writing about it on Piazza. Please look for the posts that I've put up that you are meant to respond to; there's one for each component, and they're all listed by name at the end of this document. There is also a survey you need to fill out.

Part 1: Read

Please read the following items. The last part of this assignment is to respond to them on Piazza, so if you come across anything you have a question about, go ahead and jot it down so you can post it later.

  1. The course syllabus
  2. The course schedule
  3. The problem-set rubric
  4. The homework guidelines
  5. “What It Feels Like To Be Bad At Math”, an essay by Ben Orlin, a high-school math teacher in Oakland, CA.

    This essay has an unfortunate title; it was written more for teachers than for students, so Orlin plays a little fast and loose with his psycho-emotional terminology. He wasn't bad at math; he had some difficulty with one particular topic, and mistook this for a total repudiation of his abilities in general.

    This essay probably describes a feeling familiar to you, if not in math then in some other subject. Anxiety can be really disruptive to your happiness and productivity, but I find that giving it a name and studying it makes it much easier to deal with. If you're facing this feeling in this class, talk to me (or another faculty member) as soon as you can! I'm here to help you learn; that's my job and my passion. I'm not here to crush you, no matter what you might think when you're feeling vulnerable.

Part 2: Post

  1. Fill out the office-hours survey.
  2. Log into our Piazza and post at least one thing. The first-listed post is required; the others are optional.

    • This post is required. In the “Meet-and-Greet” thread, post a response that tells your answers to these questions:

      1. How do you wish to be called?
      2. Where are you from, what year are you, and what's your major, if you have one?
      3. What inspired you to take this course?
      4. What do you hope to get out of CS252?
      5. What's an interesting thing about you that you'd like to share? (Hobbies, interests, crazy stories, etc.)

      Responses will be public and viewable by all, so keep that in mind when you post.

    • In the “Course Policies / Syllabus” thread, post a response if you have any questions or comments about the syllabus. (If there are already a few questions there, you should instead post your question in a separate thread, just to keep things from getting too cluttered.)
    • In the “Bad At Math?” thread, post a short response or question.

Part 3: Visit

The final part of the assignment is that you must visit me during my office hours sometime before next Friday, 26 September.