HW0.3: Learn About the Command Line

This step assumes you've already done HW0.2.

Learn the command line by reading the Intro and Tutorials 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 in the University of Surrey's Unix tutorial. Note that this tutorial assumes that you're working on a Unix computer, which (probably) none of you will be. Instead, on a Mac computer, the Terminal program is your Unix-style command-shell program; on a Windows computer, Cygwin is your Unix-style command-shell program.

Hand-in: follow these steps and then take a screenshot of your terminal window showing all your work. It should all fit on fewer than a dozen lines in the terminal. If you mess up, please delete the files and directories you make, exit the terminal, and start again; I want to see a completely clean execution of these steps.

  1. Open a new terminal.
  2. On the command line, navigate to a subdirectory of your home directory, make a new directory inside of it called test, and move into that directory.
  3. Use the cat command to create a new file called haiku.txt containing a three-line haiku — you can write your own, or copy down one you look up.
  4. Use another command to print out the file size (and potentially other information) only about haiku.txt. (Please don't use any arcane tools to do this. There is one simple tool that's appropriate for the job, and the tutorial tells you about it.)
  5. Delete the test directory that you made before.

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